What to expect from a Reiki session
During the session the client will generally feel a pleasant sensation of warmth, or a gentle tingling in the area being treated. They may see colors or visions which is quite normal but it does not mean that the session has been any the less effective if it does not happen. The client may even fall asleep during the session but above all else, they will experience a deep sense of relaxation, harmony and well-being that will continue long after the session has ended. Many clients report having a really good night’s sleep following a Reiki session.

What Reiki can do
Reiki can and does work on three levels, physical, emotional and mental. It can address a wide range of physical conditions and is excellent for reducing stress. Regular sessions boost the body’s immune system and increase physical energy levels. It can also work on the emotions, calming, soothing and restoring balance and harmony to the whole person. It is a completely safe and natural way of healing and complements the effectiveness of most forms of session and medication.

Reiki and your animals
Reiki sessions are also very effective when given to animals who, when they are used to receiving the healing energy absolutely love and benefit from it in much the same way as humans do. A session for animals is not ‘hands on’ and does not take as long.

People have found Reiki has helped:

  • Stress
  • Emotional
  • Disturbances
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • PMS
  • Aching Muscles
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Low Energy Levels
  • Boost the body’s immune system

Joannie does not charge for Reiki healing sessions. Love donations are gratefully accepted, but not required.
Thank you!

Book an Appointment
You can book an appointment online by clicking the “Book Now” link on the top right side of every page.

If you would like to find out more about Reiki sessions, please contact me.