I Am Thankful For

I have so much to be thankful for this year, I would have no idea where to start.  It would be an unending list!! I am blessed to have met and share my world with my soul-mate.  I have a beautiful loving daughter & son-in-law who take

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Healthy Natural Pain Relief

I’ve recently discovered the power of positive thinking when it comes to my pain relief.  Realizing that behind every ache and pain is a negative or unhealthy thought or action, I’ve been on a quest (in partnership with my doctor) to decrease pain medications, and increase positive

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Learning to Share

Sharing is something we have been taught since we were children.  Most times, it was the key to peace growing up.  So why do some of us find it so hard to do today?  Of course, we share with our family and friends, but we become shy

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Raining on my Day

It seems as if Saturday has become my inner child day.  The pressures of the week slip slowly past and I feel like it’s time to play. Our weather forecast for today was supposed to be rain.  Here in southern California, we don’t have much rain.  When I hear

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Mondays can be hectic and overwhelming.  Stress can make us feel frustrated and angry and jittery.  Most of us know we should meditate, but never seem to find a half hour or hour to quietly do this.  So how can we reap the benefits of meditation without

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I’m here!

I know… I know… ABOUT DANG TIME!!!  Geesh… if I ONLY knew something about the internet!!!  hehehe Welcome and I hope this is the first of many!

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